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Rohde & Schwarz - ESR26-B29/B50

EMI Test Receiver / Spectrum- and Signal Generator (10Hz) 9kHz-26.5GHz R&S ID: 1316.3003K26. Options: B29= Frequency Extension 10Hz, incl. EMI bandwidths in decade steps and B50 = Hardware: Time Domain Scan and Realtime Analysis. Unit sold with a valid calibration certificate.

The R&S ESR26 is an EMI Test Receiver and covers the frequency range from (10 Hz) 9 kHz to 26.5 GHz and measures electromagnetic disturbances with the conventional stepped frequency scan or – at an extremely high speed – with an FFT-based time domain scan.

At the same time, the R&S ESR26 functions as a full-featured, powerful signal and spectrum analyzer for lab applications. Featuring realtime spectrum analysis capability with a wide range of diagnostic tools, the test receiver also enables detailed analysis of disturbance signals and their history.

EMI test receiver / spectrum analyzer / signal generator in a single instrument

Frequency range: 9 kHz to 26.5 GHz (with option B29 from 10 Hz)

Preselection with integrated 20 dB preamplifier

Resolution bandwidths in line with CISPR and optionally in decade steps from 10 Hz to 1 MHz (MIL STD-461, DO-160)

Ultrafast time domain scan (option) or conventional stepped frequency scan

Realtime spectrum analysis with up to 40 MHz span for detailed investigation of disturbances (option)

Time domain display with high resolution (50 μs)

Automatic test routines

IF analysis (option)

Clearly structured menus and an intuitive touchscreen, making it very easy to operate in any mode

Compliant with CISPR 16-1-1 Ed. 3.1

€ 84.400 (net) $101.280 (US)

* campi obbligatori