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Keithley - 2657A

High Power System SourceMeter Instrument, Single Channel w/ up to 180 W DC Power, or Pulsed Power (+/-3000V/20mA, +/-1500 V/120mA). Unit sold with 12 months warranty.

The Keithley 2657A is a High Power System SourceMeter Instrument and designed to characterize and test high current and high power electronics.

The wide dynamic range of 120 mA, 3000 V, 1 fA of this SMU instrument improves the productivity in applications across the R&D, reliability, and production spectrums. Through the TSP-Link interface and embedded "Plug & Play" web software, the model 2657A can be combined with other Series 2600B SourceMeters to create SMU-per-pin test systems, or with the Model 2651A to create high power test systems capable of 3000 V and 100 A. Optional test fixtures and system-level accessories are also available.

Source/Measure capabilities:

Single channel model with pulsed or 180 W DC power output

4 quadrant source/measure capability with 6½ digit resolution

Current max./min.: 120 mA / 1fA

Voltage max./min.: 3000 V/ 100 µV

General features:

1 µs/point, dual 18 bit digitizers for accurately characterizing transient behavior

Built-in "Plug & Play" Java-based I-V characterization and test software

TSP (Test Script Processing) technology embeds complete test programs inside the instruments

TSP-Link expansion technology for multi-channel parallel test

Large, easy-to-read dual-line display

€ 24.500 (net) $29.400 (US)

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