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Keithley - 708A

Single-Slot, Switching Matrix w/ up to 96 Crosspoints

The Keithley 708A is a high-density single-slot Switching Matrix and is compatible with all existing DC and RF switch cards for the Model 707A.

This card line offers both general-purpose and application-specific cards for use in semiconductor and telecommunications testing. The Model 708A can control up to 96 channels (expandable to 480) from the front panel to simplify test development. Sixteen channels of digital I/O allow the operator to control and read-back the state of other equipment in the production test system.

Requires just 3½ inches of rack space (in 19" rack)

Card accessible from either front or rear panel

Front panel relay status display

Control up to 96 channels of 2-pole switching (expandable to 480)

Compatible with a wide range of switch cards

€ 2.400 (net) $2.880 (US)

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