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Rohde & Schwarz - SFE100-B3/B15

Test Transmitter 100kHz-2.7GHz. R&D ID: 2112.4100K03 Model 03: For digital standards, analog standards, and ARB generator, incl. power cable. Options: B3= Memory Extension 4Gbyte (1Gsample); B15 = Coder Extension Board. Unit sold with a valid calibration certificate and with 12 months warranty.

Unlimited standards in a single instrument

Multistandard test transmitter

Broadcast signals in real time

Frequency range up to 2700 MHz (100kHz to 2.7 GHz)

Output power up to 27 dBm with integrated power amplifier

High-precision modulator (MER typ. +43 dB)

€ 5.466 (net) $6.559 (US)

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