Evaluation Kit für Infiniium 9000A und 9000H Serien Oszilloskope
The N2918B is an evaluation kit that provides a variety of signals to help you quickly learn how to use Infiniium 9000A and 9000 H-Series oscilloscopes and/or protocol and logic analysis capabilities of the instrument.
The kit is ideal for training, education, or for distributors/resellers who want to demonstrate Infiniium 9000A and 9000H-Series capabilities.
Kit includes: Evaluation board, USB cable, case, and user guide.
The kit can be powered via USB, or from an InfiniiVision or Infiniium MSO cable. Some sections of the user guide require MSO models or optional application software licensing.
Quickly learn how to use Infiniium 9000A and 9000 H-Series oscilloscopes
See how to view and trigger on analyze analog and digital signals
Quickly trigger on and decode serial buses including I2C, SPI, USB, RS-232 and CAN
€ 495 (net) $594 (US)