Low Noise Power Source 6.5 Digit, 2 Channel, 100nV-210V/10fA-10.5A, 31.8W, with USB 2.0, GPIB, LAN and digital I/O Interface.
The Agilent (now Keysight) B2962A is a 6.5 digit Low Noise Power Source.
It is a revolutionary power supply for precision low noise voltage/current sourcing featuring 6.5 digit, 100 nV/10 fA resolution, 10 μVrms noise, bipolar 210 V/3 A
(10.5 A pulse) range, innovative sourcing functions, and GUI.
The B2962A is ideal companion product for other instruments such as oscilloscopes, network analyzers, spectrum analyzers, frequency counters, digital multi meters, nano-voltmeters, etc.
6.5 digit 2-channel source
Wide and bipolar voltage/current sourcing (100 nV - 210 V / 10 fA - 10.5 A, 31.8W)
Best-in-class noise performance (10 µVrms, 1nVrms/√Hz) with external filter
Precision arbitrary waveform capability with support for seven built-in functions and user defined waveforms (1 mHz - 10 kHz)
4.5 digit built-in voltage/current monitoring capability (minimum resolution: 10 µV / 1 pA)
Programmable output resistance with voltage / current output characteristics emulation capability
Intuitive graphical user interface on 4.3 inch wide color LCD supporting time domain voltage/current monitoring on the front panel
LXI Core Conformant, USB 2.0, GPIB, LAN and digital I/O interface
€ 7,399 (net) $8,879 (US)