Rohde & Schwarz - ZNB20
Vector Network Analyzer 20GHz, 4 Port, 3.5mm(m), R&S ID: 1311.6010K64.
No options.
Unit sold with a valid calibration certificate and with 12 months warranty.
€ 46,500 (net)
$55,800 (US)
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Rohde & Schwarz - RTH1002-B222
Scope Rider Handheld Digital Oscilloscope 60MHz 5 GSa/s, 2-Channel, DMM,
with option:
RTH-B222 = Upgrade to 200MHz.
€ 2,500 (net)
$3,000 (US)
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Keithley - 2750
Digital Multimeter, Data Acquisition, Switching, Datalogging System with 5-slots, 6 1/2 Digits.
Special price. Unit sold with fresh Calibration.
€ 1,450 (net)
$1,740 (US)
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Rohde & Schwarz - FSP3-B1/B6/B9/B15/B25/B70/K72/WINXP
Spectrum Analyzer 9kHz-3GHz.
R&S ID 1164.4391K03.
B1 = Rugged Case, Carrying Handle;
B6 = TV Trigger / RF Power Trigger;
B9 = Internal Tracking Generator 9kHz-3GHz. I/Q Modulator;
B15 = Pulse Calibrator;
B25 = Electronic Attenuator 0-30dB, 5 dB steps, integrated Preamplifier;
B70 = Demodulation Hardware and Memory Extension;
K72 = 3GPP BTS / Node B FDD Appl. Firmw.;
With Windows XP operation system.
Unit sold with a valid R&S calibration certificate.
€ 11,000 (net)
$13,200 (US)
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Tektronix - MSO2014B
Mixed Signal Oscilloscope 100MHz 1GS/s, 4 + 16 Channel.
Manufacturer´s warranty until 8th July 2026.
€ 1,950 (net)
$2,340 (US)
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